It’s a foolproof plan…till a sinfully handsome earl strides into her office. All Hazel must do is maintain a flawless reputation and raise a good deal of money. She’s hoping that the wealthy families who flock to the shore for the summer will entrust their daughters to Bellehaven Academy―and help pay the way for less fortunate students. Now, at the age of twenty-eight, she’s finally realized her life-long dream of opening a school for girls.

To survive her difficult childhood, Miss Hazel Lively relied on two things:a tough outer shell and a love of books. WHAT A GIRL WANTS To survive her difficult childhood, Miss Hazel Lively relied on two things:a tough outer shell and a love of books. Enter for your chance to win a copy of GIRLS BEFORE EARLs, the first in Anna Bennett's Rogue's to Lovers series! Enter for your chance to win a copy of GIRLS BEFORE EARLs, the first in Anna Bennett's Rogue's to Lovers series!